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This recommendation is a required part of the application process; prompt return to the candidate is important. We appreciate your assistance and would like to assure you that your comments will be carefully considered. Recommender's name :  Title and Institution (if work address used) :   Address :  Telephone & Facsimile :  During which period of time have you had the most frequent contact with the applicant? From 000000 to 0000. What was the nature of your relationship? In what areas does the applicant need improvement or growth? Please comment on the applicant's interpersonal skills. How well does he or she work within a team? How would you describe the applicant's leadership skills? Please comment on the applicant's degree of self-confidence. Please comment on the applicant's personal character? hnp     " * : < H N n p r     3 4 b c  ' ( ) k n     * + h >*OJPJo(jh OJUmHnHuh OJPJo(&jh CJOJPJUmHnHu h OJo(h @(KHOJPJho(FhjlnL N   m n ( ) * ? 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