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Those who wish to apply for special arrangements (hereafter referred to as applicants) should apply after reading this document in full. 1. Documents to be submitted:Special Arrangements Request Form and attached documents Applicants should fill in the all 3 pages of the Request Form attached to this document and send it with their Application Form and other required documents to the host institution in the city where they wish to take the test. It is also possible for a representative to apply on behalf of the applicant.2. Application period:Applicants should be sure to contact the host institution for confirmation of the application period.3. Decision process regarding the implementation of special arrangements:(1) The Japan Foundation, which organizes the test, in consultation with the Committee for Special Testing Arrangements (CSTA), will decide what arrangements should be put in place based on the contents of the request form. (2) If the information provided on the request form is not sufficient, The Japan Foundation may contact the applicant or their representative to request further information. (3) The applicant or their representative will be notified of the final decision regarding the special arrangements before the beginning of November. (4) Al JLXZlp& ( > F H T V  ĽrgYNYgCgh_`CJOJQJo(h{(lCJOJQJo(h)h5?CJOJQJo(h5?CJOJQJo(h_`CJOJPJQJo(hhDCJOJPJQJo(h5?OJPJQJo(hCJOJPJQJo(h5?CJOJPJQJh5?CJOJPJQJo( h5?OJo(h5?>*CJ OJPJQJo(hf>*CJ OJPJQJo(hr>*CJ OJPJQJo(h>*CJ OJPJQJo(:LZnp& ( 6 V  md|$IfVD4^mgd_` d|$If d|WDd` d|WDd`d|$pd|VDE WD^`pa$$d|a$d|gd      < @ ^ b f h . 0 2 H J " 6 F H ˶˫˝㒈փreXerhfCJOJQJ^Jo(hrCJOJQJ^Jo(h5?CJOJQJ^Jo(h5? h5?o(h5?CJOJQJh5?CJOJQJo(hJh5?CJOJQJo(he! 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Notification of results:The notification of test results will not make any mention of the special arrangements, unless applicant requests to the contrary. Note however, the notification will record listening test exemptions, if any.     ,,,'-u-v-;`kdv$$Ifc!!064 caytJ[kd$$Ifc!!064 ca $$Ifa$v-w-y-z-|-}------------------dgdZ$a$gd,0&P 1H. 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